A New Year of Promise

IMG_1355A New Year of Promise….

The new school year has begun in Kenya and 51 A.K.I.N. students are ready to start classes. It has been nine years since we enrolled our first student in secondary school. There was no way to know in 2007, how much effort it would take to keep our promise to the 240  children from the St. Francis Children’s Home in Nairobi by providing  them the opportunity to get an education. Our wonderful donors and small dedicated staff in Kenya have shared our vision and made our accomplishments possible. Today, we have children who we met when they were just five and six years old who are now entering high school. Still others have graduated from secondary and vocational schools and gone on to college. Some   are  even starting their own businesses.

What makes A.K.I.N. unique is our commitment to our students beyond simply paying school fees. Our  social workers in Kenya stand beside them as they face the challenges of school and personal life. We know every student we sponsor, and we know their families. We have seen them through their triumphs and their tragedies. We have watched them grow up, and even start to have children of their own. They have become independent and many have expressed their gratitude to A.K.I.N. for changing their lives and most of all keeping our promise.